written by
Sammi DiBacco

3 Ways to Keep Short-Term Study Abroad on Budget

Study Abroad 1 min read

1. Choose the Off-Season

It's no surprise than during the peak season for travel, mid-June through August, the costs associated with traveling during those months are relatively high. To help keep your program budget in check consider operating your program during fall break, J-term, spring break or Maymester.

Operating your program in the off-season will not only help keep costs down, but will also allow you to travel with fewer tourists and avoid the hot European summer heat.

2. Negotiate Group Rates & Student Discounts

With student groups comes student and group discounts, so take advantage! When booking transportation, accommodation, museum entrances and more, reach out to the company you're booking through to communicate that you are looking to book for a student group and you will oftentimes be able to take advantage of a cheaper rate, which means instant savings for your program and students.

3. Explore Less Popular Destinations

According to BBC some of the most expensive cities in the world also happen to be some of Europe's hottest destinations, including Paris, Zurich and Copenhagen. Consider the true purpose of your trip and when possible, look into visiting alternative and less popular cities. Generally those destinations that aren't visited by as many tourists have better rates and will help save your program money.

Study Abroad European Travel Tips Money Management