If you're looking to develop a study abroad abroad program for your engineering students, Europe is an excellent choice and is home to some of the world's most respected engineering organizations and university programs. A short-term study abroad program provides students the opportunity to see how engineering of a variety of specializations impacts our world today.
Europe also provides the opportunity to visit multiple countries on your program so students can see the variations in the industry from country to country. Check out our list of the top three countries in Europe for engineering students and see if our top three matches yours.
1) The United Kingdom
The United Kingdom is an excellent choice for engineering study abroad programs, as the country is home to many world renowned universities in the engineering fields of aerospace, mechanical, civil, electrical, manufacturing and more. Many universities have strong ties to businesses, which provide unique opportunities for potential internships or job placement after graduation. The UK also has the advantage for students of being a English speaking country and therefore making the transition between their work in the U.S. and their studies abroad that much smoother.
- Cambridge University
- Imperial College
- Oxford University
2) Germany
Our second pick for best European countries for engineering students is Germany. Germany has many Masters programs that may be of interest to engineering students that are taught in English and are typically free or very inexpensive for students. By providing a study abroad program in Germany, this may spark interest for your students who may want to return for a Masters degree in the country after their undergraduate career.
Top Universities
- Technical University Munich
- RWTH Aachen
3) Switzerland
Switzerland rounds out our top three list as it is well known for its contributions to the fields of mechanical and electrical engineering. Additionally, Switzerland's educational system highly-ranked and provides a unique blend of European culture with four official languages (Swiss, German, Italian, and Romansh).
Top Universities
- ETH Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland
- École Polytechnique Fédérale di Lausanne