written by
Sammi DiBacco

7 Ways to Add Value to Your Study Abroad Program

Study Abroad 3 min read
Cliffs of Moher, Ireland

In order to provide a unique study abroad experience and help your program stand out amongst others, it's important to provide added value that will persuade students to select your program and have zero regrets.

We're breaking down seven ways that you can provide value from cultural, financial and educational perspectives. These are simple enough to implement relatively quickly and will help market your program going forward.

Cultural Exposure

1. Language Exchanges

The best way to learn a foreign language is total immersion in the culture, and what better way for your students to immerse themselves than having a language exchange with local students. They can practice their skills, while also helping their speaking partners English skills!

For students studying in English speaking countries, try arranging hangouts with local students where they can help acculturate your study abroad students to local customs and the cultural norms of the country.

2. Cooking Courses

Help students learn what it's like to be from their host country by teaching them how to cook the local cuisine. Bringing back new cooking skills from studying abroad is the gift that keeps on giving!

3. Field Trips and Excursions

If your program already includes field trips and excursions, then this may seem like an obvious way to provide value for your students, but as study abroad industry professionals we know that you always have to keep reinventing the offerings for your program.

In order to stay up to date with current demand from students, we recommend surveying former study abroad students to ask them what included trips they liked or disliked and where they would have liked to visit with the program.

Financial Savings

4. Included meals

A great way to help your students save more money for museums and train tickets is by including some meals in their program fee. Whether that be lunch vouchers that can be used at local restaurants that you've partnered with or weekly dinners your program organizes, anyway to save students some extra cash will be looked at as a positive factor to consider for students who may want to study with your program.

5. Optional group trips

The huge bonus of studying abroad in Europe is that there are so many incredible destinations to travel. Unfortunately, sometimes travel options are not as cheap as a student budget allows. To provide your students with the ultimate value add, arrange weekend getaways both within the study abroad country and throughout Europe a cost that works with their budget. Students can choose if they would like to sign-up and pay for these weekend trips, which can vary in what they include.

These program organized trips give peace of mind for students and parents as they can rest assured that students on these trips will be traveling safely and affordably!

Interested in learning how 4.0 Tours can assist your program with optional or included weekend tours? Submit your contact information below for a complimentary consultation with a 4.0 Tours manager to discuss your program-specific needs.

Educational Experiences

6. Business Visits

The post-grad job market is competitive, which means your program needs to do everything it can to help students set themselves apart. Ensure that your course offerings include site visits to businesses that are relevant to coursework and allow students to make connections with industry contacts.

7. Professional Seminars

If you're unable to visit the business on-site, consider asking the industry experts and professionals to come speak on campus. Hold professional seminars where students can interact with international professionals in fields related to their studies and ask questions. This provides intangible added value for students and allows them to make connections for potential future positions after graduating.

What ways does your program add value for students? Let us know in the comments below.

Study Abroad